Sunday, March 16, 2008

Another Weekend.....

Another weekend has came and went at the White House. I'm not sure whether we have made much progress, but it seems like we stayed fairly busy. I spent probably six hours working in the flower beds on Friday afternoon and got quite a bit accomplished. I am dividing perennials, moving things and just cleaning up the beds in general. Green Things are starting to pop up all over the place. Some of these things belong in the flower beds and some of them don't! I'm not sure if I have ever discussed the fact that I have a rock fetish or not.... but there it is. I do. As you can tell by previous postings, my flower beds have a lot of nice rocks in them and we have done a lot of hardscaping with rocks we have gotten around here. I had a friend call me Saturday morning and give me a phone number for a guy who had some 'big' rocks he needed to get rid of. So... off to Kansas I went to look at rocks. We went and took and look at his 'big' rocks and of course I told him that we would come and get them. You know what today was like, huh? Busy. We hauled a load of rocks and then our nice neighbor came over with his tractor and helped us to unload them. The hard part about bringing home a trailer load of
rocks is that you have to decided what to do with them when you get them home. Every rock seems to have its own personality so you have to really study it to figure out what it is trying to say to you. We came home with a couple of really nice ones so if you are interested in seeing what we have don't forget the Garden Tour at the end of May. We are planning a few new projects which we certainly hope to have done in time for the tour.

Here's my neighbor with his big Ford tractor helping us to unload this rock. This rock really looked like a Kokopelli Indian head but that's not what it is going to be. It sitting on its side and is going to either end up being a chicken, a horse, or maybe a small camel. That remains to be seen. I also don't know how to spell Koko whatever Indian. So if anyone knows.... let me know.
Check out the next rock that we are going to 'TRY' to bring home. I hope to get home with it without my brothers seeing what I intend to haul with their trailers. Ha! This is a really nice rock and we already know what it is... we just don't know where to put it. Where ever it goes it will have to stay! BIG rock, huh? It sure made
this truck work hard. We moved it up close to the road so we could try to go back and get it before too long. I hope someone doesn't drive by and decide they want it worse than I do. I'm thinkin' I might be okay there...ha.

Most weekends around here are fairly uneventful but this one seemed to have a lot of things going on. I went to visit a friend Saturday morning before the 'rock viewing' and got in on helping to bring a new baby calf into this world. He was kinda stuck and needed a bit of help so that is just what we did. I think his mom was really happy that we were around to help her out. (although she didn't act happy) This was her first baby and I bet she wasn't expecting things to come out like they did. Bet she doesn't do that again for awhile!

Speaking of baby calves.... Brads' brother had a momma cow that gave birth to twins this week. The new babies are so cute. I just love them at this age! Momma Cow decided that she only wanted to be RESPONSIBLE for one of the twins though and firstborn was the lucky one. "This is me 'Firstborn'. Lucky aren't I? I really do miss my little sister but I be she is going to get most of the attention. I can already tell because I see a lot of people stopping at her pen to pet her and check her out. Don't forget me... I am the cute one down in the pasture with my MOM!"

The second calf looks to be a little smaller but not for sure..... see what you think. She sure is cute! She seems to think whomever is closest to her is her mommy. You can barely see her in this

picture she is so tiny, but not to worry she is eating good and will be fine. Both of the little ones have a heart shaped marking on the forehead. It doesn't get much better than that!
Bare with me on this blog because I sure have trouble loading the pictures on here. If any of you are any good at this I will take any and all help! But.... that is that and now it is time for bed so good night and good bye until next time.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Blow Wind Blow

This has sure been a normal Oklahoma winter. If you don't like the weather just wait a minute and it will change???? Everyone is expressing the same sentiments..... Come on Spring! I know it is just around the corner.... things are popping their heads up in my flower beds every day. We are trying to start doing a few things outside so we can get ready for the garden tour but Mother Nature is just not quite ready to cooperate. I know it will get here soon though and then 'look out yard here we come'.

There are indoor projects that we can do to get ready but.... I hate indoor projects! Except maybe this one. I found this idea in a Backyard Living magazine last month... Pretty cute, huh? Can you guess what it is.... a bowling ball! Since I am unable to use it in the form it is meant to be used in (strikes you know) I painted it and put it in my garden. My family and I have been bowling a couple of times lately and I am doing pretty good at it. Surprise, huh? I probably have about a 175 average now! I think that is pretty good shooting, don't you? If you say 175 fast and maybe leave out the 1 ...... that's my game! I throw some darn good gutter balls.... just ask anyone bowling with me.

I had a bit of trouble painting this ball so I am now working on it again. When I opened the black paint it was a bit clabbered but I thought surely if I stirred it and closed my eyes it would be okay to go ahead and use it. Not! When I put it out it started flaking off the first hard rain. I hope it is the black that is the problem and not the red. The red is new paint and I don't want to have to buy more of it also. This is the kind of paint the article said to use so that is what I am using...... more on this project later. These may also by for sale on the Garden Tour???

I can sure tell March is here..... March winds you know! My dog Gizmo can tell that its windy also. She is really a cute dog but here she looks like she might be ready for take-off. Gizmo is really Brandy's dog but since Brandy is not around much Gizmo is REALLY my dog but it doesn't make any difference whose dog she is because she REALLY loves everyone she meets. This is what she looks like on a normal not-windy day. She is cute, isn't she?
She is half Jack Russell and half Toy Fox Terrier and half human. Seems to be anyway. Too bad our dogs can't out-live us. No more on that subject.
I am collecting a lot of perennials for my flowerbeds if anyone has any nice ones to share. There could maybe be some trading going on. This is such a nice way to get more plants. Just let me know if you are interested.... Enough for now. Until the next time.....
Oh yeah, Brads flowerbed project is coming along ( remember the one I didn't really want). He had gotten kinda side-tracked because it has been kinda cold to mix concrete but he will get back tuit soon. Tuit is kind of a nice word to use sometimes, huh? You know.... around tuit, back tuit, close tuit..... okay bye.