Thursday, April 3, 2008

Rocks, Frogs and Fetishes

I definitely have all three. I have a lot of rocks, I am collecting quite a few frogs, and I have a fetish for both of them. The frogs that get to make their home at the White House have to be pretty special though. As for that matter, so do the rocks. My husband and I have spent quite a bit of time searching for rocks. Not only in our state are we finding rocks (certainly not Osage County though) but we have also brought quite a few nice rocks home from Kansas as you might have seen in my last post. The last load we brought from Kansas was a total of four rocks on one trailer and we had a nice surprise from one of those rocks. Check this out! Buffalo....Bison.....Ta Tanka!
It is hard to believe what you can find in a rock! The minute we picked this one up with the winch truck I saw the buffalo. It was especially eerie when I used the water hose on it and where the hair is a different texture on a real bison so also is this rock a different texture. As you can see the color is darker and the rock has a real rough feel to it. You will just have to check it out at the Garden Tour in May! Unless you just want to drive by and you can see it from the road.

This is one of my numerous and fun frogs resting among the plants in my flower beds. Looks like he might have eaten one too many flies. Maybe a trip to Weight Watchers might be on the

agenda soon! I sure hope I am not getting too much 'stuff' in my flower beds because my daughter, Brandy, who for now I will refer to as my 'stuff police' would sure not approve. Brandy was just home for a short visit last weekend and she helped me to see that there were a couple of things that needed to be moved out of sight and maybe some other things that might need a different color of paint. Kids can sure open your eyes, huh?

We have a wonderful neighbor who is helping us with the heavy part of our rock collecting and what a help he has been! This is Earl in the big Ford tractor and he is great! Thanks Earl! We couldn't do it without you.
Not sure if Oatmeal cookies are enough payment for all his help but I will sure try to get plenty of those to him.

Sometimes it is a little tricky get these big rocks moved around and put where we want them but between my husband and Earl and the big Ford it can be done! Brad always figures out a way to do whatever I seem to need done. He might not always like tackling the project that I come up with but he doesn't complain much. He is just as excited about this Garden Tour thing as I am. Of course.... check back on June the 2nd and see if we are still speaking or not. Ha! It will surely be time for a vacation about then. Hello Albuquerque....

The flower beds are starting to show some promise. Little green things are popping up all over. I have been dividing perennials as fast as I can and if you are reading this and think you might have starts of anything I need don't hesitate to call me. (hint, hint) I am shredding a lot of leaves and stirring them into my beds and I just got a 'big' load of mushroom compost for Miami and hope to get a skid loader shortly to haul that stuff around and put in my beds. Skid loaders are also very handy to go find rocks with too!!
The daffodils have been spectacular this spring and they have made my view out my living room window wonderful. Too bad they can't hang around until the end of May. Hopefully there will be some stuff in bloom for the 'tour' but it is at a funny time. It is too late for spring bloomers but a bit too early for most of the annuals I plant and also for most of my perennials. I hope everyone like to look at ROCKS! They stay in bloom at my house all year round.

I sure hope the hummers decide to come and dine with us this year. They will make a special addition to our place. Last year we were blessed with probably 30 or 40 at a time and it was a blast! Since I now have a new camera, I can't wait for them to return for photo sessions.
Last year I took a lot of pics and got some decent ones so I hope I can improve on that this year.
So far, I have been good and not bought hardly any flowers to put in my flower beds. I am not a shopper any other time of year but just let spring come and look out greenhouses! Of course... it is too chancy (not sure if that is a word) to put stuff out yet. And... that doesn't include the 2 new trees I bought or maybe I forgot to mention a few new shrubs I bought. But.... they are not flowers so they don't count. Look out April 15th. I also am scheduled to go to the Sand Springs Herb Festival in a couple of weeks but I don't plan to carry any money with me. Ha! That is such a good show! Not just herbs but a lot of other things also.
Enough for now. I have homework to do. It is a good thing it is raining outside or Business Math wouldn't win today.

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