Sunday, February 17, 2008

Come on Spring!!!

Another wet rainy weekend is on the way out! At least it wasn't frozen precipt. This is the view out of my living room window right now. It is really kinda gloomy this time of year. This is a gorgeous rock wall that my husband and I built a couple of summers ago. For those of you who have been to my house or seen pictures of my flower beds, you all know this is not how I like this rock wall to look. It needs to be full and overflowing with flowers to make me REALLY happy!

My plans for this year were to just keep trying to add a few more perennials so I could eventually have beds that weren't quite so expensive. I had decided to keep my annual purchases to a minimum if at all possible. TRASH those ideas! We are going to be on the garden tour this spring! Funny, huh? We may be sorry about the middle of May.

Everyone knows how when you plan a party or a big gathering that it makes you clean the windows and the ceiling fans...... you do don't you? This was kinda my thought for this garden thing. Hope it doesn't backfire! Ha! We are going to have more projects going in the next three months than most people try to do in a year.....

This is my husband, Brad and he is building a new flowerbed around this tree which is connected to waaaaay to many other flower beds in our front yard. I don't need anymore flower beds!!!!! We have a drainage problem from the house gutters here, so this is the solution. I think I might need some plastic flowers...... don't throw away those memorial flowers. I can use them!

I am not only passionate about rocks and flowers and gardening, but I also love to feed the birds in our back yard. We are fortunate to have surroundings that are bird friendly and we are trying to continually plant things and build things with the birds and other critters in mind.

As you can probably see by the look on this little guys face he has been unsuccessful in his search for food today. He might just be dangerous! (I also have a fetish for little cast iron critters.) :) My daughter will KILL ME if I put too much stuff around though.... so I do have to be careful.

It is such a pleasure to be able to look out my living room window and see birds feeding on the bird feeders, in the flower beds, along the rock wall, on the back porch.... just everywhere.

We can hardly wait until spring so we can get out the feeders for the hummingbirds. We had tons of them last year! I mean tons!At least 30 or 40 birds at a time were around our feeders. Is that tons? I had a lot of fun taking pictures of the hummers last year and I hope to be able to take a lot more of them if my little birdie friends decide to come back to my feeders! Wish us luck and birds!

Oh.... and by the way, I would like to invite everyone to try to 'do' the Green Country Garden Club Tour. The dates for the tour are May 31st and June 1st. If anyone is interested in a good aerobic workout or some serious strength training in the next few months just look me up and I will work up a nice exercise program for you. (Hope you don't mind a little dirt under your fingernails.)

Any and all ideas are appreciated. You can comment on this post or e-mail me at If you have any perennials that you want to share I would be much obliged to except them.... as long as they are not something you are REALLY trying to get rid of.

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