Friday, March 7, 2008

Blow Wind Blow

This has sure been a normal Oklahoma winter. If you don't like the weather just wait a minute and it will change???? Everyone is expressing the same sentiments..... Come on Spring! I know it is just around the corner.... things are popping their heads up in my flower beds every day. We are trying to start doing a few things outside so we can get ready for the garden tour but Mother Nature is just not quite ready to cooperate. I know it will get here soon though and then 'look out yard here we come'.

There are indoor projects that we can do to get ready but.... I hate indoor projects! Except maybe this one. I found this idea in a Backyard Living magazine last month... Pretty cute, huh? Can you guess what it is.... a bowling ball! Since I am unable to use it in the form it is meant to be used in (strikes you know) I painted it and put it in my garden. My family and I have been bowling a couple of times lately and I am doing pretty good at it. Surprise, huh? I probably have about a 175 average now! I think that is pretty good shooting, don't you? If you say 175 fast and maybe leave out the 1 ...... that's my game! I throw some darn good gutter balls.... just ask anyone bowling with me.

I had a bit of trouble painting this ball so I am now working on it again. When I opened the black paint it was a bit clabbered but I thought surely if I stirred it and closed my eyes it would be okay to go ahead and use it. Not! When I put it out it started flaking off the first hard rain. I hope it is the black that is the problem and not the red. The red is new paint and I don't want to have to buy more of it also. This is the kind of paint the article said to use so that is what I am using...... more on this project later. These may also by for sale on the Garden Tour???

I can sure tell March is here..... March winds you know! My dog Gizmo can tell that its windy also. She is really a cute dog but here she looks like she might be ready for take-off. Gizmo is really Brandy's dog but since Brandy is not around much Gizmo is REALLY my dog but it doesn't make any difference whose dog she is because she REALLY loves everyone she meets. This is what she looks like on a normal not-windy day. She is cute, isn't she?
She is half Jack Russell and half Toy Fox Terrier and half human. Seems to be anyway. Too bad our dogs can't out-live us. No more on that subject.
I am collecting a lot of perennials for my flowerbeds if anyone has any nice ones to share. There could maybe be some trading going on. This is such a nice way to get more plants. Just let me know if you are interested.... Enough for now. Until the next time.....
Oh yeah, Brads flowerbed project is coming along ( remember the one I didn't really want). He had gotten kinda side-tracked because it has been kinda cold to mix concrete but he will get back tuit soon. Tuit is kind of a nice word to use sometimes, huh? You know.... around tuit, back tuit, close tuit..... okay bye.

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